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Do Not Sell My Personal Information

Effective Date: March 1, 2024

InvoiSmart might allow third party ad providers to collect personal information from our website visitors in order to provide targeted advertising. This practice may constitute a sale of personal information under certain state laws and, in California, may also constitute “sharing” (which is a term used to address the sharing of information for advertising purposes) of personal information.


To the extent that our practice constitutes a sale or sharing of your personal information, you have the right to opt-out of the same by:


  1. Filling out this Opt-Out Form and

  2. Enabling Global Privacy Control on your browser or opting out of cookies by clicking here: Cookie Settings


Global Privacy Control (“GPC”) is a setting you can enable in your web browser to communicate your privacy preference for not having certain information about your webpage visits collected across websites. For all the details, including how to turn on GPC, visit Our websites recognize and respond to GPC signals.

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